Minibatch Learning

The most common and natural way to train a model is to derive updates from the full dataset being used for training. A good example is batch gradient descent, which derives the direction and magnitude with which to update the weights of a model from the full dataset. In contrast, minibatch learning involves deriving model updates from only a subset of the data at a time. A popular variant is called stochastic gradient descent and involves training on only a single sample at a time. It has surprisingly good properties in some settings and frequently converges faster than batch gradient descent. In general, as the size of the minibatches increases the noise of the update decreases but the computation time it takes to calculate the update increases. In practice, the increase in computation time can be diminished by utilizing specialized hardware like GPUs or tools like BLAS, making larger batch sizes much more favorable.

Similar to the other training strategies in pomegranate, minibatch learning is made possible by the decoupling the gathering of sufficient statistics from the updating of the model. Out-of-core learning works by aggregating sufficient statistics among many batches and then calculating a model update at the end. Minibatch learning involves calculating sufficient statistics from a single batch of data and then immediately updating the model before moving on to the next batch. In this manner, out-of-core learning can be used to learn the same model one would as if they had seen the entire dataset, whereas minibatch learning distinctly does not learn the same model.

Minibatch learning in pomegranate is implemented through the use of the batch_size and batches_per_epoch keywords. Specifically, one must set some batch size and then the number of batches that should be used before calculating an update. Traditionally one may want to set this to 1, specifying that the update is calculated after a single batch, but there is no reason why multiple batches couldn’t be used to calculate an update if desired. Here is an example:

>>> from pomegranate import *
>>> from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.random.seed(0)
>>> n, d, m = 557100, 25, 4
>>> X, _ = make_blobs(n, d, m, cluster_std=4, shuffle=True)
>>> model = GeneralMixtureModel.from_samples(MultivariateGaussianDistribution, n_components=m, X=X,
        n_init=1, max_iterations=5, init='first-k', verbose=True)
[1] Improvement: 2841.61601918  Time (s): 2.373
[2] Improvement: 830.059409089  Time (s): 1.866
[3] Improvement: 368.397171594  Time (s): 1.9
[4] Improvement: 199.537868068  Time (s): 1.936
[5] Improvement: 121.741913736  Time (s): 1.297
Total Improvement: 4361.35238167
Total Time (s): 11.6352
>>> print model.log_probability(X).sum()
>>> model = GeneralMixtureModel.from_samples(MultivariateGaussianDistribution, n_components=m, X=X,
        n_init=1, max_iterations=5, init='first-k', verbose=True, batch_size=10000, batches_per_epoch=1)
[1] Improvement: 722.089154968  Time (s): 0.04816
[2] Improvement: 1285.42216032  Time (s): 0.1187
[3] Improvement: 1215.87126935  Time (s): 0.1184
[4] Improvement: 1092.96581448  Time (s): 0.1064
[5] Improvement: 1222.47873598  Time (s): 0.1127
Total Improvement: 5538.82713509
Total Time (s): 0.5239
>>> print model.log_probability(X).sum()

We can see that, as expected, each batch takes a significantly shorter amount of time than an epoch on the full dataset. The model that is produced seems to give similar, though not quite as good, log probability scores on the full dataset. However, it doesn’t quite appear that the minibatch approach is converging. This is a problem that is common to many second order update methods, including EM. A frequent solution is to use “stepwise EM” as described in Bishop (p. 368) where a decay is set on the step size. What this means in pomegranate is that the inertia increases as a function of the number of iterations, ensuring convergence. The step size is calculated as $1 - (1 - inertia) * (2 + k)^{-lr_decay}$ where k is the number of iterations, and inertia is the proportion of the old parameters used (typically 0.0). Let’s see what happens when we do and don’t use a decay.

Without a decay:

>>> from pomegranate import *
>>> from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.random.seed(0)
>>> n, d, m = 557100, 25, 4
>>> X, _ = make_blobs(n, d, m, cluster_std=0.2, shuffle=True)
>>> model = GeneralMixtureModel.from_samples(MultivariateGaussianDistribution, n_components=m, X=X,
        n_init=1, init='first-k', max_iterations=25, verbose=True)
[1] Improvement: 2829.31191301  Time (s): 2.301
[2] Improvement: 826.320851962  Time (s): 2.48
[24] Improvement: 3.06409630994 Time (s): 1.754
[25] Improvement: 2.80105452973 Time (s): 2.085
Total Improvement: 4689.45119551
Total Time (s): 56.0279
>>> print model.log_probability(X).sum()
>>> model = GeneralMixtureModel.from_samples(MultivariateGaussianDistribution, n_components=m, X=X,
        n_init=1, init='first-k', verbose=True, max_iterations=25, batch_size=100000, batches_per_epoch=1)
[1] Improvement: 1053.6233468   Time (s): 0.5352
[2] Improvement: 1376.99673058  Time (s): 0.4793
[3] Improvement: 1252.96547886  Time (s): 0.4395
[4] Improvement: 1198.91839751  Time (s): 0.5888
[5] Improvement: 1215.01340037  Time (s): 0.4509
[21] Improvement: 1090.46744541 Time (s): 0.3881
[22] Improvement: 1095.10725289 Time (s): 0.3707
[23] Improvement: 1131.25851107 Time (s): 0.2651
[24] Improvement: 854.786135095 Time (s): 0.301
[25] Improvement: 1514.55094317 Time (s): 0.3382
Total Improvement: 29235.6544552
Total Time (s): 10.8482
>>> print model.log_probability(X).sum()

With a decay of 0.5:

>>> from pomegranate import *
>>> from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.random.seed(0)
>>> n, d, m = 557100, 25, 4
>>> X, _ = make_blobs(n, d, m, cluster_std=0.2, shuffle=True)
>>> model = GeneralMixtureModel.from_samples(MultivariateGaussianDistribution, n_components=m, X=X,
        n_init=1, init='first-k', max_iterations=25, verbose=True)
[1] Improvement: 2829.31191301  Time (s): 2.181
[2] Improvement: 826.320851962  Time (s): 2.166
[24] Improvement: 3.06409630994 Time (s): 2.206
[25] Improvement: 2.80105452973 Time (s): 2.477
Total Improvement: 4689.45119551
Total Time (s): 60.1254
>>> print model.log_probability(X).sum()
>>> model = GeneralMixtureModel.from_samples(MultivariateGaussianDistribution, n_components=m, X=X,
        n_init=1, init='first-k', verbose=True, max_iterations=25, batch_size=100000, lr_decay=0.5, batches_per_epoch=1)
[1] Improvement: 796.097334852  Time (s): 0.3315
[2] Improvement: 752.266746429  Time (s): 0.3974
[3] Improvement: 638.97759942   Time (s): 0.3137
[4] Improvement: 555.537951205  Time (s): 0.4384
[5] Improvement: 494.904335364  Time (s): 0.4975
[21] Improvement: 223.957448395 Time (s): 0.6416
[22] Improvement: 230.288166696 Time (s): 0.6673
[23] Improvement: 205.620445758 Time (s): 0.4929
[24] Improvement: 197.345235002 Time (s): 0.5871
[25] Improvement: 210.324390932 Time (s): 0.8142
Total Improvement: 8921.00813791
Total Time (s): 14.5593
>>> print model.log_probability(X).sum()

It does seem like the model is converging. The primary conceptual difference between using a learning rate decay and a maximum number iterations is that with a decay the updates are smoothed over several batches whereas without the decay the updates are based primarily on a single batch.

In addition, one can use parallelism with minibatching in the same way one would use it in an out-of-core setting. To borrow the example from the ooc section, let’s attempt to learn a Gaussian mixture model over ~24G of data using a computer with only ~4G of memory. First without parallelism.

>>> import numpy
>>> from pomegranate import *
>>> X = numpy.load("big_datums.npy", mmap_mode="r")
>>> print X.shape
(60000000, 50)
>>> model = GeneralMixtureModel.from_samples(MultivariateGaussianDistribution,
                3, X, max_iterations=50, batch_size=100000, batches_per_epoch=50,
                n_jobs=1, verbose=True)
[1] Improvement: 252989.289729  Time (s): 18.84
[2] Improvement: 58446.0881071  Time (s): 18.75
[3] Improvement: 26323.5638447  Time (s): 18.76
[4] Improvement: 15133.080919   Time (s): 18.8
[5] Improvement: 10138.1656616  Time (s): 18.91
[6] Improvement: 7458.30408692  Time (s): 18.86
[7] Improvement: 5995.06008983  Time (s): 18.89
[8] Improvement: 4838.79921204  Time (s): 18.91
[9] Improvement: 4188.59295541  Time (s): 18.97
[10] Improvement: 3590.57844329 Time (s): 18.93

And now in parallel:

>>> import numpy
>>> from pomegranate import *
>>> X = numpy.load("big_datums.npy", mmap_mode="r")
>>> print X.shape
(60000000, 50)
>>> model = GeneralMixtureModel.from_samples(MultivariateGaussianDistribution,
                3, X, max_iterations=50, batch_size=100000, batches_per_epoch=50,
                n_jobs=4, verbose=True)
[1] Improvement: 252989.289729  Time (s): 9.952
[2] Improvement: 58446.0881071  Time (s): 9.952
[3] Improvement: 26323.5638446  Time (s): 9.969
[4] Improvement: 15133.080919   Time (s): 10.0
[5] Improvement: 10138.1656617  Time (s): 9.986
[6] Improvement: 7458.30408692  Time (s): 9.949
[7] Improvement: 5995.06008989  Time (s): 9.971
[8] Improvement: 4838.79921204  Time (s): 10.02
[9] Improvement: 4188.59295535  Time (s): 10.02
[10] Improvement: 3590.57844335 Time (s): 9.989

The speed improvement may be sub-linear in cases where data loading takes up a substantial portion of time. A solid state drive will likely improve this performance.


  1. Does minibatch learning produce an exact update?
  1. No. Since the model is updated after each batch (or group of batches) it will produce a different model than waiting to update the model until the entire dataset is seen.
  1. Is minibatch learning faster?
  1. It is typically faster per epoch simply because now an epoch is a subset of the the full dataset, usually a single batch. However, it frequently can take less time total to converge depending on the learning rate decay and has better theoretical properties than batch EM.
  1. Are there other names for minibatch learning?
  1. The Bishop textbook refers to minibatch learning as “stepwise EM”, and sometimes it is referred to as stochastic EM.
  1. Can minibatch learning be used in an out-of-core manner?
  1. Yes! Since only a batch of data is seen at a time there is no reason why the whole dataset needs to be in memory. However, the initialization step will now only use a single batch of data and so may not be as good as if the initialization was done on the full dataset.